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Web Developer- Freelance

Upwork Oct 23 - Present

  • Led the end-to-end development of a full portfolio website for a client using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.
  • Enhanced frontend design and user experience, resulting in a more engaging interface and improved usability.
  • Collaborated closely with the client to understand requirements, ensuring the final product aligned with their vision.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in modern web development technologies, delivering a high-quality, responsive website tailored to the clients specifications.

Machine Learning Trainee

ThinkNEXT Technologies Private Limited · Apprenticeship July 22 - Aug 22

  • Employed advanced Machine Learning algorithms to predict automobile prices based on crucial factors such as engine size, make, model, year, mileage, condition, and other pertinent features.
  • Trained a robust Linear Regression model on the prepared dataset using scikit-learn, capturing intricate relationships between engine size and price.
  • Planned future enhancements to refine the model and explore additional features, aiming to deploy it in real-world scenarios and empower users with actionable insights into automobile pricing dynamics.